Financials and Governance

The Children’s Cause for Cancer Advocacy (CCCA) could not fight for access to the best pediatric cancer therapies, expand resources for research and specialized care, and address the unique needs and challenges of childhood cancer patients, survivors, and their families without the support of our generous donors.  Most of our revenue is generated through individual donations, and we are grateful for your gifts.

We invite you to review our financial information below, as are committed to using donations in the most effective and prudent manner:

·     Combined Financial Statements (PDF)

·     Children's Cause Board of Directors

·     IRS Form 990 – Fiscal Year 2015-2016 (PDF)

·     501(c)3 Documentation (PDF)

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The Platinum Seal of Transparency is the highest level of recognition by GuideStar.

GuideStar Platinum Seal of Transparency

GuideStar is the world's leading provider of information about nonprofit organizations.  The Platinum level recognition demonstrates Children’s Cause for Cancer Advocacy’s deep commitment to nonprofit transparency and accountability.

Our GuideStar Profile →

For more information, please contact:

Charlcie Steuble, Digital Marketing Director

202.304.1850   |