Shop for Charity
When you shop with one of the following merchants, CCCA receives a portion of your purchase total. Thank you for supporting children with cancer!
- Amazon Smile is a program that will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible Amazon purchase to CCCA. To sign up, just visit and log-in with your existing account or sign up for a new one. Once you select the Children's Cause for Cancer Advocacy as the charity of your choice, Amazon Smile will remember your choice every time you return to shop.
- Designs that Donate is a premier shopping experience that satisfies every gift giving and personal shopping need, while supporting charitable causes. When you make a purchase from Designs that Donate (DTD) and designate CCCA as the charity of your choice, DTD will donate 12% of your purchase total to the Children's Cause.
- Every time you make an online shopping purchase using GoodShop, the retailer will donate a percentage of your purchase to CCCA - up to 30 percent! And try GoodSearch, the sister site where CCCA earns about a penny every time you search the internet.