Children's Cause Champions

Your company can join with us to be a champion for children with cancer, survivors, and their families. Become a visible leader in the fight against childhood cancer. Help us fight for issues such as improved cancer treatment, better survivorship programs, and research funding.

Did you know:

  • Cancer kills more children in the United States than any other disease.

  • 43 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer every day in the U.S. — that’s about two classrooms of kids.

  • Invasive childhood cancers have increased 29% in the past 20 years.

  • By 2020, there will be at least 500,000 childhood cancer survivors in the United States.

Download our overview, which includes information about our mission, impact, and vision. 

Research shows that support of non-profit organizations can influence how customers, employees and business partners view your company:

  • 92% of Americans have a more positive image of companies that support a cause

  • 87% of Americans are likely to switch brands (when price and quality are equal) to support a cause they feel strongly about

  • 88% of workers whose company has a cause-related program feel proud of their company’s values

Current opportunities

Listed below are the current sponsorship opportunities available for Children's Cause:

  • Organizational Mission Support

  • Kids Action Network (KAN)

  • Webinar Series

  • New York City Reception and Cocktail Party — November 7, 2019

  • 3rd Annual Jazz in June in Washington, DC — June 2020

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, complete the form below or contact Charlcie Steuble at csteuble@childrenscause.org or 202-552-7392.